Betingelser for nye kunder:
- Kundeskema bedes udfyldt, og CVR nr. skal oplyses.
- Førstegangskøb skal være på min. DKK 7.500,00 ekskl. moms.
- Første ordre sendes pr. forudbetaling.
- Via leverandørservice 30 dage netto fra fakturadato, såfremt der ikke er anmærkninger på CVR nr.
- Fakturering sker i DKK.
- Betalingsbetingelserne skal overholdes. Kunder, som misligholder betalingsbetingelserne, kan ikke efterfølgende opnå kredit.
- Efter forfald beregnes renter.
- En ordre over DKK 10.000,00 ekskl. moms sendes fragtfrit.
- Bemærk dog, at specialtakster til ikke-brofaste øer stadig er gældende.
- Vi leverer ikke til privatadresser.
- Restordrer på minimum DKK 1.200,00 sendes fragtfrit, hvis hovedordren er på min. DKK 10.000,00.
- Ved en ordre & restordre under DKK 1.200,00 ekskl. moms beregner vi et ekspeditionsgebyr på DKK 200,00.
- Tillæg til restordrer skal være lagervarer.
- Mindre restordrer forbeholder vi os retten til at slette.
- Er din levering forbundet med en extra udkørsel, vil de ekstra omkostninger blive videre faktureret til dig. Hold derfor øje med din levering og trackingnummeret i din bookingbekræftelse.
- Der betales fragt for pakker og paller efter gældende tarif.
- Et miljøtillæg på 1% beregnes af fakturabeløbet.
- Hvis varerne er beskadiget ved ankomsten, skal fragtfirmaet straks informeres, og defekten noteres
på forsendelsesdokumenterne. - Vi bestræber os på at få varerne leveret hurtigst muligt.
Generelle betingelser:
- Reklamationsfristen er 10 dage fra leveringsdatoen og skal overholdes.
- Vær opmærksom på, at vi ikke tager varer retur, medmindre der er fejl på produktet.
- Ved reklamation, forbeholder vi os ret til at anmode om billeder af de defekte varer.
Dette er til dokumentation overfor vores leverandør. - Ved reklamationer benyt venligst reklamationsformular på ”min side” – www.iblaursen.dk
- Vi forbeholder os retten til, uden varsel, at ændre vores priser – optagne ordrer vil altid blive leveret til de angivne priser.
- Vi henstiller til, at de købte varer ikke sælges på internetauktioner.
- Indtil opfyldelsen af de krav, der følger af kontraktforholdet, forbliver varerne vores ejendom.
- Under ejendomsforbeholdets varighed er det ikke tilladt at pantsætte eller stille varerne som sikkerhed.
- I tilfælde af at varerne ikke leveres til dig, men til en tredjepart, forpligter du dig til udtrykkeligt at informere denne tredjepart om vores ejendomsforbehold og om, at pantsætning og sikkerhedsstillelse ikke er tilladt.
- Under ejendomsforbeholdets varighed skal enhver ændring af vores varers placering og enhver adgang for tredjemand til vores varer, især beslaglæggelse, straks meddeles os skriftligt. I tilfælde af beslaglæggelse skal der straks sendes en kopi af beslaglæggelsesprotokollen til os. Du er forpligtet til at informere tredjemand, navnlig en eventuel foged, om vores ejendomsret.
- Hvis loven i det land, hvor varerne leveres, eller hvor varerne befinder sig, ikke tillader et ejendomsforbehold i overensstemmelse med ovenstående bestemmelser, men denne ret giver sælgeren mulighed for at forbeholde sig eller have lignende fordringer på leveringsgenstanden for at sikre sine krav, anses sådanne rettigheder for at være forbeholdt os ved kontraktens indgåelse og er givet til os af dig. Du er forpligtet til at samarbejde om alle foranstaltninger, som vi ønsker at træffe for at beskytte vores ejendomsret eller i stedet for en anden rettighed til varerne. Ved leverancer til udlandet kan vi også kræve, at du stiller bankgarantier for at sikre alle krav i forbindelse med kontrakten.
Vi ser frem til et godt samarbejde
Villkor för nya kunder:
- Nya kunder mottager en upplysningsblankett, som skall returneras ifylld innan varorna levereras.
- För att kunna bli kund hos Ib Laursen erfodras ett giltigt organisationsnummer.
- Ingångsorder för ny kund är minimum SEK 7.500,00.
- Förstagångsköp skickas mot förskottsbetalning.
- Våra normala betalningsvillkor är 30 dagar netto från fakturadatum.
- All fakturering sker i SEK.
- Betalningsvillkoren måste respekteras. Men vid anmärkningar i det internationella ratingssystemet kommer vi be dig att betala i förväg.
- Efter förfallodagen tillkommer kostnader.
- Observera att alla priser är exkl. moms.
- Vid order på över SEK 10.000,00 levererar vi fraktfritt upp till postnummer 89000. Öar avgift SEK 534,00.
- Vi levererar inte till privata adresser.
- Försändelser till postnummer över 890 00 kostar SEK 900,00 per pall, SEK 500,00 per ½ pall och SEK 300,00 per ¼ pall. Öar avgift SEK 733,00.
- Vid ny order under SEK 2.000,00 tillkommer en expeditionsavgift på SEK 300,00.
- På restorder under SEK 1.800,00 tillkommer en expeditionsavgift på SEK 300,00.
- Frakt påföres fakturan med 8% av fakturabeloppet, dock minst SEK 350,00.
- Avgift för pall tillkommer på SEK 96,50.
- En miljöavgift på 1% av fakturans värde tillkommer.
- Tillägg till restorder måsta vara varor som finns på lager.
- Vi förbehåller oss rätten att ta bort mindre restorder.
- Om försändelse inte kan levereras till er blir ni skyldiga att stå för kostnaderna för ytterligare en utkörning. Därför rekommenderar vi att ni håller ett öga på er försändelse med hjälp av spårningsnumret. Detta står med i er bokningsbekräftlse, som ni får via mail, så snart er försändelse har lämnat vårt lager.
- Transportskador meddelas till chauffören och noteras på fraktsedeln.
Generella villkor:
- Reklamationsfristen är 10 dagar från leveransdatum och måste uppfyllas.
- Vänligen notera att vi inta tar tillbaka eller återbetalar en vara, såvida den inte är defekt.
- Vid reklamationer ber vi dig uppge kundnummer och fakturanummer.
- Vid reklamationer förbehåller vi oss rätten att begära bilder av defekta artiklar. Detta är för dokumentation till vår leverantör.
- Vi rekommenderar att köpta varor från Ib Laursen inte säljs på internetauktioner.
- Till dess att villkoren i avtalet fullgörs, förblir varorna vår egendom.
- Under äganderättsförbehållets varaktighet är pantsättning eller överlåtelse av varorna som säkerhet inte tillåten.
- I händelse av att varorna inte levereras till dig, utan till en tredje part, förbinder du dig att informera den tredje parten om vårt äganderättsförbehåll och om förbudet av pantsättning eller och överföring av säkerhet.
- Under äganderättens giltighetstid måste varje ändring av platsen för våra varor och tredje parts tillgång till våra varor, meddelas oss omedelbart skriftligen. Vid beslag ska en kopia av beslagsprotokollet omgående skickas till oss. Du är skyldig att informera tredje part, i synnerhet eventuellt kronofogden, om vårt ägande.
- Om lagen i det land där varorna levereras eller varorna befinner sig inte tillåter äganderättsförbehåll i enlighet med våra bestämmelser, men denna rätt tillåter säljaren att reservera eller ha liknande brådskande rättigheter till leveransobjekt för att säkra dennes anspråk, ska sådana rättigheter anses reserverade för oss vid ingående av avtalet och beviljas oss av dig. Du är skyldig att samarbeta med alla åtgärder som vi vill vidta för att skydda vår egendomsrätt eller i dess ställe annan rätt till varan. Vid leveranser utomlands kan vi även kräva att du lämnar bankgarantier till oss för att säkerställa alla anspråk som följer med avtalet.
Vi ser fram emot ett gott samarbete.
Salgs- og leveringsbetingelser
Betingelser for nye kunder:
- Kundeskema bedes udfyldt.
- Førstegangskøb skal være min. NOK 12.000,00
- Første levering fremsendes mod forudbetaling.
- 30 dage netto fra fakturadato. Dog ved anmærkninger i det international ratingsystem forbliver man på forudbetaling.
- Fakturering sker i NOK kroner.
- Efter forfald beregnes renter.
- Køb over NOK 14.000,00 sendes fragtfrit. Ø-tillæg NOK 534,00.
- Vi leverer ikke til privatadresser.
- Køb under NOK 14.000,00 beregner vi 10 % af fakturabeløbet i fragt (dog min. NOK 550,00).
- Leveringer nordligere end postnummer 7800 beregnes med NOK 1.200,00 hel palle, NOK 800,00 pr. ½ palle og NOK 650,00 ¼ palle. Til ikke-bro faste øer, leveres til kaj på fastland.
- Større restordrer (min. NOK 2.750,00) eftersendes fragtfrit.
- Tillæg til restordre skal være lagervarer.
- Mindre restordre forbeholder vi os retten til at slette.
- Er din levering forbundet med en extra udkørsel, vil de ekstra omkostninger blive videre faktureret til dig. Hold derfor øje med din levering og tracking nummeret i din booking bekræftelse.
- Paller afregnes med NOK 96,50.
- Et miljøtillæg på 1% beregnes af fakturabeløbet.
- Møbler afregnes et fragtgebyr på NOK 725,00 pr. palle.
- Hvis varerne er beskadiget ved ankomsten, skal fragtfirmaet straks informeres og noteres på forsendelsesdokumenterne.
- Vi bestræber os på at få varerne leveret hurtigst muligt.
Generelle betingelser:
- Vore priser er ekskl. moms og evt. told.
- Reklamationsfristen er 10 dage fra leveringsdatoen.
- Venligst vær opmærksom på, at vi tager, ikke varer retur, medmindre der er fejl på produktet.
- Ved reklamation på møbler forbeholder vi os ret til at anmode om billeder af de defekte varer.
Dette er til dokumentation overfor vores leverandør. - Ved reklamationer benyt venligst reklamationsformular på ”min side” – www.iblaursen.dk
- Vi forbeholder os ret til at forhøje priserne uden yderligere varsel. Alle nuværende ordrer vil blive leveret til de informerede priser.
- Vi henstiller til at de købte varer ikke sælges på internetauktioner.
- Indtil opfyldelsen af de krav, der følger af kontraktforholdet, forbliver varerne vores ejendom.
- Under ejendomsforbeholdets varighed er det ikke tilladt at pantsætte eller stille varerne som sikkerhed.
- I tilfælde af at varerne ikke leveres til dig, men til en tredjepart, forpligter du dig til udtrykkeligt at informere denne tredjepart om vores ejendomsforbehold og om, at pantsætning og sikkerhedsstillelse ikke er tilladt.
- Under ejendomsforbeholdets varighed skal enhver ændring af vores varers placering og enhver adgang for tredjemand til vores varer, især beslaglæggelse, straks meddeles os skriftligt. I tilfælde af beslaglæggelse skal der straks sendes en kopi af beslaglæggelsesprotokollen til os. Du er forpligtet til at informere tredjemand, navnlig en eventuel foged, om vores ejendomsret.
- Hvis loven i det land, hvor varerne leveres, eller hvor varerne befinder sig, ikke tillader et ejendomsforbehold i overensstemmelse med ovenstående bestemmelser, men denne ret giver sælgeren mulighed for at forbeholde sig eller have lignende fordringer på leveringsgenstanden for at sikre sine krav, anses sådanne rettigheder for at være forbeholdt os ved kontraktens indgåelse og er givet til os af dig. Du er forpligtet til at samarbejde om alle foranstaltninger, som vi ønsker at træffe for at beskytte vores ejendomsret eller i stedet for en anden rettighed til varerne. Ved leverancer til udlandet kan vi også kræve, at du stiller bankgarantier for at sikre alle krav i forbindelse med kontrakten.
Vi ser frem til et godt samarbejde.
Bedingungen für Neukunden:
- Alle Neukunden müssen bevor Registrierung ein Kundenformular ausfüllen.
- Eine gültige USt-Id Nr. (DE-Nr.) ist notwendig, da wir ohne diese Nummer keine Waren
nach Deutschland schicken können. - Mindestkauf für Neukunden ist EUR 1400,00
- Die erste Bestellung wird gegen Vorkasse weitergeleitet.
- 30 Tage netto oder Bankeinzug 10 Tage -2% Skonto oder Bankeinzug 30 Tage Netto nach Rechnungsdatum.
- Die Rechnung wird in EUR erstellt.
- Zahlungsbedingungen müssen eingehalten werden. Kunden, die die Zahlungsbedingungen nicht einhalten,
können anschließend keinen Kredit erhalten. - Nach Verfall der Rechnung fallen Zinsen an.
Fracht Nord (siehe Karte, nächste Seite):
- Bei Aufträgen unter EUR 1400,00 berechnen wir Ihnen 7% Frachtkosten des Warenwertes. Inselzuschlag EUR 54,00
- Aufträge über EUR 1400,00 sind frachtfrei.
Fracht Süd (siehe Karte, nächste Seite):
- Bei Aufträgen unter EUR 2000,00 berechnen wir Ihnen 7% Frachtkosten des Warenwertes. Inselzuschlag EUR 54,00
- Aufträge über EUR 2000,00 sind frachtfrei.
- Wir liefern nicht an Privatadressen.
- Bestellung unter EUR 400,00 wird mit einer Gebühr von EUR 50,00 berechnet.
- Restauftrag unter EUR 400,00 wird mit einer Gebühr von EUR 15,00 berechnet.
- Ein kleiner Restauftrag kann ohne weiteres storniert werden.
- Wenn Ihre Lieferung eintrifft, und Sie nicht vor Ort sind, werden Ihnen die Kosten für eine zusätzliche Auslieferung in Rechnung gestellt. Bitte achten Sie daher auf Ihre Lieferung über die Tracking-Nummer in der Buchungsbestätigung, die Sie per E-Mail erhalten, sobald die Lieferung unser Lager verlassen hat.
- Eine Nachbestellung zu einer frachtfreien Lieferung muss Waren enthalten, die zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung
auf Lager sind. - Mindestfrachtkosten betragen EUR 20,00.
- Eine Umweltgebühr von 1% des Rechnungsbetrages wird berechnet.
- Unsere Waren werden auf Einwegpaletten geliefert, und deshalb wird eine Paletten Gebühr von EUR 8,70 pro Palette berechnet.
- Wir machen darauf Aufmerksam, dass extra Lieferkosten von EUR 55,00 pro Palette auf unsere Möbelkollektion
anfallen werden.
Allgemeine Bedingungen:
- Sollten Sie sichtbare Transportschäden entdecken, geben Sie dies bitte auf dem Frachtbrief und gleichzeitig der Fa. Ib Laursen zur Kenntnis.
- Die Lieferung erfolgt schnellstens, sofern Sie uns nicht einen späteren Liefertermin vorgeben. Bitte kontrollieren Sie die Lieferung nach Erhalt. Benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte unmittelbar bei Schäden bzw. fehlerhafte Lieferung.
- Unsere Reklamationsfrist ist 10 Tage vom Lieferdatum. Bei Reklamationen bitte Kunden-Nr. und Rechnungs-Nr. angeben.
- Beachten Sie bitte, dass wir keine Artikel zurücknehmen oder erstatten, es sei denn, sie sind fehlerhaft.
- Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, bei Möbelreklamationen Bilder der zu reklamierenden Ware bei Ihnen anzufordern. Dies dient der Kommunikation mit unseren Lieferanten.
- Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, ohne vorherige Ankündigung, unsere Preise zu ändern – bereits aufgegebene Bestellungen werden immer zu den angegebenen Preisen geliefert.
- Wir weisen Sie darauf hin, dass die von Ihnen gekauften Waren NICHT auf Internetauktionen angeboten
werden dürfen.
- Die Ware bleibt bis zur Erfüllung der Forderungen aus dem Vertragsverhältnis unser alleiniges Eigentum.
- Verpfändung oder Sicherungsübereignung der Ware ist für die Dauer des Eigentumsvorbehaltes nicht gestattet.
- Sie verpflichten sich für den Fall, dass die nicht an Sie, sondern an einen Dritten geliefert wird, diesen auf unseren Eigentumsvorbehalt und auf die Unzulässigkeit von Verpfändungen und Sicherungsübereignungen ausdrücklich hinzuweisen.
- Jeder Wechsel des Standortes unserer Ware und jeder Zugriff Dritter auf unsere Ware, insbesondere Pfändungen, sind uns während der Dauer des Eigentumsvorbehaltes unverzüglich schriftlich mitzuteilen. Bei Pfändungen ist uns unverzüglich eine Kopie des Pfändungsprotokolls zu übersenden. Sie sind verpflichtet, den Dritten, insbesondere Gerichtsvollzieher, auf unser Eigentum hinzuweisen.
- Lässt das Recht des Staates, in welchen die Ware geliefert wird oder in dem sich die Ware befindet, einen Eigentumsvorbehalt entsprechend der vorstehenden Regelungen nicht zu, gestattet dieses Recht dem Verkäufer aber sich ähnliche dingliche Rechte an dem Liefergegenstand zur Sicherung seiner Forderungen vorzubehalten oder einräumen zu lassen, gelten solche Rechte mit Vertragsschluss als für uns vorbehalten und uns durch Sie eingeräumt. Sie sind verpflichtet, an allen Maßnahmen mitzuwirken, die wir zum Schutz unseres Eigentumsrechtes oder an dessen Stelle eines anderen Rechtes an der Vorbehaltsware treffen wollen. Bei Lieferungen ins Ausland können wir auch verlangen, dass Sie uns zur Sicherung sämtlicher Forderungen aus dem Vertrag Bankbürgschaften stellen.
Wir freuen uns auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit.
Bedingungen für Neukunden:
- Alle Neukunden müssen bevor Registrierung ein Kundenformular ausfüllen.
- Eine gültige USt-IdNr. (ATU-Nummer) ist notwendig, da wir ohne diese Nummer keine Waren nach Österreich
schicken können. - Mindestkauf für Neukunden ist EUR 1.250,00.
- Die erste Bestellung wird gegen Vorkasse weitergeleitet.
- 30 Tage netto oder Bankeinzug 10 Tage -2% Skonto oder Bankeinzug 30 Tage netto nach Rechnungsdatum.
- Die Rechnung wird in EUR erstellt.
- Zahlungsbedingungen müssen eingehalten werden. Kunden, die die Zahlungsbedingungen nicht einhalten,
können anschließend keinen Kredit erhalten. - Nach Verfall der Rechnung fallen Zinsen an.
- Aufträge über EUR 2.000,00 sind frachtfrei. Inselzuschlag EUR 54,00.
- Wir liefern nicht an Privatadressen.
- Bei Aufträgen unter EUR 2.000,00 berechnen wir Ihnen 7% Frachtkosten des Warenwertes.
- Bestellung unter EUR 400,00 wird mit einer Gebühr von EUR 50,00 berechnet.
- Wenn Ihre Restauftrag unter EUR 400,00 wird mit einer Gebühr von EUR 15,00 berechnet. Ein kleiner Restauftrag kann ohne weiteres storniert werden.
- Wenn Ihre Lieferung eintrifft, und Sie nicht vor Ort sind, werden Ihnen die Kosten für eine zusätzliche Auslieferung in Rechnung gestellt. Bitte achten Sie daher auf Ihre Lieferung über die Tracking-Nummer in der Buchungsbestätigung, die Sie per E-Mail erhalten, sobald die Lieferung unser Lager verlassen hat.
- Eine Nachbestellung zu einer frachtfreien Lieferung muss Waren enthalten, die zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung
auf Lager sind. - Unsere Waren werden auf Einwegpaletten geliefert, und deshalb wird eine Paletten Gebühr von
EUR 8,70 pro Palette berechnet. - Eine Umweltgebühr von 1% des Rechnungsbetrages wird berechnet
- Wir machen darauf Aufmerksam, dass extra Lieferkosten von EUR 55,00 pro Palette auf unsere Möbelkollektion
anfallen werden.
Allgemeine Bedingungen:
- Sollten Sie sichtbare Transportschäden entdecken, geben Sie dies bitte auf dem Frachtbrief und gleichzeitig
der Fa. Ib Laursen zur Kenntnis. - Die Lieferung erfolgt schnellstens, sofern Sie uns nicht einen späteren Liefertermin vorgeben. Bitte kontrollieren Sie
die Lieferung nach Erhalt. Benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte unmittelbar bei Schäden bzw. fehlerhafte Lieferung. - Unsere Reklamationsfrist ist 10 Tage vom Lieferdatum. Bei Reklamationen bitte Kunden-Nr. und Rechnungs-Nr. angeben.
- Beachten Sie bitte, dass wir keine Artikel zurücknehmen oder erstatten, es sei denn, sie sind fehlerhaft.
- Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, bei Reklamationen Bilder der zu reklamierenden Ware bei Ihnen anzufordern.
Dies dient der Kommunikation mit unseren Lieferanten. - Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, ohne vorherige Ankündigung, unsere Preise zu ändern – bereits aufgegebene Bestellungen werden immer zu den angegebenen Preisen geliefert.
- Wir weisen Sie darauf hin, dass die von Ihnen gekauften Waren NICHT auf Internetauktion angeboten werden darf.
- Die Ware bleibt bis zur Erfüllung der Forderungen aus dem Vertragsverhältnis unser alleiniges Eigentum.
- Verpfändung oder Sicherungsübereignung der Ware ist für die Dauer des Eigentumsvorbehaltes nicht gestattet.
- Sie verpflichten sich für den Fall, dass die nicht an Sie, sondern an einen Dritten geliefert wird, diesen auf unseren Eigentumsvorbehalt und auf die Unzulässigkeit von Verpfändungen und Sicherungsübereignungen ausdrücklich hinzuweisen.
- Jeder Wechsel des Standortes unserer Ware und jeder Zugriff Dritter auf unsere Ware, insbesondere Pfändungen, sind uns während der Dauer des Eigentumsvorbehaltes unverzüglich schriftlich mitzuteilen. Bei Pfändungen ist uns unverzüglich eine Kopie des Pfändungsprotokolls zu übersenden. Sie sind verpflichtet, den Dritten, insbesondere Gerichtsvollzieher, auf unser Eigentum hinzuweisen.
- Lässt das Recht des Staates, in welchen die Ware geliefert wird oder in dem sich die Ware befindet, einen Eigentumsvorbehalt entsprechend der vorstehenden Regelungen nicht zu, gestattet dieses Recht dem Verkäufer aber sich ähnliche dingliche Rechte an dem Liefergegenstand zur Sicherung seiner Forderungen vorzubehalten oder einräumen zu lassen, gelten solche Rechte mit Vertragsschluss als für uns vorbehalten und uns durch Sie eingeräumt. Sie sind verpflichtet, an allen Maßnahmen mitzuwirken, die wir zum Schutz unseres Eigentumsrechtes oder an dessen Stelle eines anderen Rechtes an der Vorbehaltsware treffen wollen. Bei Lieferungen ins Ausland können wir auch verlangen, dass Sie uns zur Sicherung sämtlicher Forderungen aus dem Vertrag Bankbürgschaften stellen.
Wir freuen uns auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit.
Bedingungen für Neukunden:
- Alle Neukunden müssen bevor Registrierung ein Kundenformular ausfüllen.
- Mindestkauf für Neukunden ist EUR 1.500,00.
- Die erste Bestellung wird gegen Vorkasse weitergeleitet.
- Ab der 2. Bestellung 30 Tage netto.
- Die Rechnung wird in EUR erstellt.
- Zahlungsbedingungen müssen eingehalten werden. Kunden, die die Zahlungsbedingungen nicht einhalten, können anschließend keinen Kredit erhalten.
- Nach Verfall der Rechnung fallen Zinsen an.
- Aufträge über EUR 2.000,00 sind frachtfrei. Inselzuschlag EUR 54,00.
- Wir liefern nicht an Privatadressen.
- Bei Aufträgen unter EUR 2.000,00 berechnen wir Ihnen 7% Frachtkosten des Warenwertes.
- Bestellung unter EUR 400,00 wird mit einer Gebühr von EUR 50,00 berechnet.
- Restauftrag unter EUR 400,00 wird mit einer Gebühr von EUR 15,00 berechnet.
- Eine Nachbestellung zu einer frachtfreien Lieferung muss Waren enthalten, die zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung auf Lager sind.
- Ein kleiner Restauftrag kann ohne weiteres storniert werden.
- Wenn Ihre Lieferung eintrifft, und Sie nicht vor Ort sind, werden Ihnen die Kosten für eine zusätzliche Auslieferung in Rechnung gestellt. Bitte achten Sie daher auf Ihre Lieferung über die Tracking-Nummer in der Buchungsbestätigung, die Sie per E-Mail erhalten, sobald die Lieferung unser Lager verlassen hat.
- Pro Lieferung wird eine Verzollung von EUR 25,00 berechnet. Dies umfasst die Gesamtkosten für Papierausfüllung
für Verzollung usw. Die Verzollung wird direkt von Ihnen mit der Frachtfirma verrechnet. - Wir machen darauf Aufmerksam, dass extra Lieferkosten von EUR 55,00 pro Palette auf unsere Möbelkollektion
anfallen werden. - Unsere Waren werden auf Einwegpaletten geliefert, und deshalb wird eine Paletten Gebühr von EUR 8,70
pro Palette berechnet. - Eine Umweltgebühr von 1% des Rechnungsbetrages wird berechnet.
Allgemeine Bedingungen:
- Sollten Sie sichtbare Transportschäden entdecken, geben Sie dies bitte auf dem Frachtbrief und gleichzeitig
der Fa. Ib Laursen zur Kenntnis. - Die Lieferung erfolgt schnellstens, sofern Sie uns nicht einen späteren Liefertermin vorgeben. Bitte kontrollieren Sie
die Lieferung nach Erhalt. Benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte unmittelbar bei Schäden bzw. fehlerhafte Lieferung. - Unsere Reklamationsfrist ist 10 Tage vom Lieferdatum. Bei Reklamationen bitte Kunden-Nr. und Rechnungs-Nr. angeben.
- Beachten Sie bitte, dass wir keine Artikel zurücknehmen oder erstatten, es sei denn, sie sind fehlerhaft.
- Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, bei Reklamationen Bilder der zu reklamierenden Ware bei Ihnen anzufordern.
Dies dient der Kommunikation mit unseren Lieferanten. - Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, ohne vorherige Ankündigung, unsere Preise zu ändern – bereits aufgegebene Bestellungen werden immer zu den angegebenen Preisen geliefert.
- Wir weisen Sie darauf hin, dass die von Ihnen gekauften Waren NICHT auf Internetauktionen angeboten
werden dürfen.
- Die Ware bleibt bis zur Erfüllung der Forderungen aus dem Vertragsverhältnis unser alleiniges Eigentum.
- Verpfändung oder Sicherungsübereignung der Ware ist für die Dauer des Eigentumsvorbehaltes nicht gestattet.
- Sie verpflichten sich für den Fall, dass die nicht an Sie, sondern an einen Dritten geliefert wird, diesen auf unseren Eigentumsvorbehalt und auf die Unzulässigkeit von Verpfändungen und Sicherungsübereignungen ausdrücklich hinzuweisen.
- Jeder Wechsel des Standortes unserer Ware und jeder Zugriff Dritter auf unsere Ware, insbesondere Pfändungen, sind uns während der Dauer des Eigentumsvorbehaltes unverzüglich schriftlich mitzuteilen. Bei Pfändungen ist uns unverzüglich eine Kopie des Pfändungsprotokolls zu übersenden. Sie sind verpflichtet, den Dritten, insbesondere Gerichtsvollzieher, auf unser Eigentum hinzuweisen.
- Lässt das Recht des Staates, in welchen die Ware geliefert wird oder in dem sich die Ware befindet, einen Eigentumsvorbehalt entsprechend der vorstehenden Regelungen nicht zu, gestattet dieses Recht dem Verkäufer aber sich ähnliche dingliche Rechte an dem Liefergegenstand zur Sicherung seiner Forderungen vorzubehalten oder einräumen zu lassen, gelten solche Rechte mit Vertragsschluss als für uns vorbehalten und uns durch Sie eingeräumt. Sie sind verpflichtet, an allen Maßnahmen mitzuwirken, die wir zum Schutz unseres Eigentumsrechtes oder an dessen Stelle eines anderen Rechtes an der Vorbehaltsware treffen wollen. Bei Lieferungen ins Ausland können wir auch verlangen, dass Sie uns zur Sicherung sämtlicher Forderungen aus dem Vertrag Bankbürgschaften stellen.
Wir freuen uns auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit.
Conditions de vente (Francais)
Conditions pour les nouveaux clients:
- Tous les nouveaux clients doivent compléter notre formulaire client afin de s’enregistrer.
- La première commande est de minimum EUR 1500,00.
- La première commande doit être payée par avance.
Conditions de paiement:
- 30 jours net.
- Les factures sont établies en Euros (EUR).
- Les conditions de paiement doivent être respectées. Les clients qui ne respectent pas les conditions de paiement ne peuvent pas recevoir de crédit par la suite.
- Après la date d’échéance de la facture, les intérêts courent.
- Le transport sera gratuit pour les commandes dépassant EUR 2000,00. Charge de l’île EUR 54,00.
- Nous ne livrons pas aux adresses privées.
- Pour les commandes moins de EUR 2000,00, nous vous facturons 7% de frais de transport de la valeur de marchandises.
- Pour un renouvellement de commande de moins de EUR 400,00, nos frais de manutention sont de EUR 50,00.
- Pour un reliquat moins de EUR 400,00, nos frais de manutention sont de EUR 15,00.
- Un ajout au reliquat doit être avec des marchandises en stock pour obtenir une livraison sans frais de transport.
- Nous nous réservons le droit de supprimer les petits reliquats.
- Si vous n’êtes pas sur place quand votre livraison arrive, les frais d’une livraison supplémentaire vous seront facturés. C’est pourquoi, assurez-vous de surveiller votre livraison via le numéro de suivi indiqué dans la confirmation de réservation qui vous sera envoyé par e-mail dès que votre livraison a quitté notre entrepôt.
- Un dédouanement de 25 Euros est facturé par livraison. Cela comprend le coût total du remplissage du papier, etc.
Le dédouanement vous sera facturé directement par la compagnie de fret. - S‘il vous plaît être conscient que des frais de livraison supplémentaires de EUR 55,00/palette s'appliqueront à notre collection de meubles.
- Nos marchandises sont livrées sur des palettes jetables qui sont chargées avec EUR 8,70.
- Un droit environnemental de 1% du montant de la facture est chargé.
Conditions générales:
- Si vous découvrez des dommages visibles au transport, le transporteur et Ib Laursen doivent en être informés immédiatement et cela doit être noté sur les documents de transport.
- Chaque livraison s’effectue le plus rapidement possible, sauf si vous nous indiquez une date de livraison ultérieure.
S'il vous plaît contrôler la livraison à la réception et nous signaler immédiatement en cas de marchandises endommagées ou manquantes. - Les réclamations doivent nous être signalées dans les 10 jours suivant la date de livraison. Pour chaque réclamation, veuillez préciser votre numéro de client et numéro de facture.
- Veuillez noter que nous ne reprenons ni ne remboursons les articles, sauf s’ils sont défectueux.
- Pour les réclamations, nous nous réservons le droit de vous demander des images des marchandises à réclamer.
Ceci est pour la communication avec nos fournisseurs. - Nous nous réservons le droit d’augmenter les prix sans préavis. Toutes les commandes en cours seront livrées au tarif convenu.
- Nous ne recommandons pas la vente aux enchères sur internet des marchandises achetées.
Conservation du titre:
- Jusqu'à l'exécution des droits découlant de la relation contractuelle, la marchandise reste notre propriété exclusive.
- Pendant la durée de la réserve de propriété, la mise en gage ou le transfert à titre de garantie de la marchandise ne sont pas autorisés.
- Dans le cas où les marchandises ne vous sont pas livrées, mais à un tiers, vous vous engagez à informer expressément ce tiers de notre réserve de propriété et de l'inadmissibilité des gages et des transferts de sûreté.
- Pendant la durée de la réserve de propriété, tout changement de l'emplacement de nos marchandises et tout accès de tiers à nos marchandises, en particulier les saisies, doivent nous être communiqués immédiatement par écrit. En cas de saisies, une copie du procès-verbal de saisie doit nous être transmise immédiatement. Vous êtes tenu d'informer le tiers, notamment tout huissier, de notre propriété.
- Si le droit du pays dans lequel la marchandise est livrée ou dans lequel la marchandise se trouve n'autorise pas une réserve de propriété conformément aux dispositions ci-dessus, mais que ce droit permet au vendeur de se réserver ou d'avoir des droits urgents similaires sur l'objet de la livraison pour garantir ses créances, ces droits sont réputés nous être réservés à la conclusion du contrat et nous être accordés par vous. Vous êtes obligé de coopérer avec toutes les mesures que nous voulons prendre pour protéger notre droit de propriété ou à sa place un autre droit sur les marchandises. En cas de livraisons à l'étranger, nous pouvons également exiger que vous nous fournissiez des garanties bancaires pour garantir toutes les créances découlant du contrat.
Dans l’attente d’une collaboration fructueuse.
Sales conditions
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- First order value is GBP 700,00.
- EORI number is required. - Please be aware to register your EORI number with your business name, not your private name.
Terms of Payment:
- All orders are always payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in GBP.
- Orders above GBP 1500,00 will be sent freight free. Island fee GBP 48,00.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- Orders less than GBP 1500,00 - we charge 10% of the amount of the invoice.
- For repeat orders less than GBP 600,00 our handling charge is GBP 50,00.
- GBP 50,00 per delivery will be invoiced for custom documents needed from DK to GB.
- Duty & VAT must be settled by the customer directly with the forwarder Dachser.
- The forwarder will send an invoice with these costs after delivery, directly to the recipient of the goods.
- Backorders will be delivered carriage free if the main order is above GBP 1500,00.
- For backorders below GBP 600,00 we charge a fee of GBP 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- Pallet will be charged with GBP 8,10.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on you delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately and must be noted
at the shipping documents.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For furniture complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items. This is for communication
with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice. All present orders will be delivered
at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions or markets.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Sales conditions
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- The first order value is EUR 1500,00.
- For Northern Ireland GBP 1200,00.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
Terms of payment:
- All deliveries are payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR and in the Northern Ireland GBP.
- By delivery the carriage will be charged at cost.
- Orders above EUR 1750,00/GBP 1550,00
will be sent carriage free. Island charge EUR 54,00/ GBP 48,00 - We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00/GBP 400,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00/GBP 30,00.
- Backorders below EUR 500,00/GBP 500,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00/GBP 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- Pallet will be charged with EUR 8,70 /GBP 8,10.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- Backorders will not be delivered carriage free. We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- All goods will be delivered with our assigned freight forwarder.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately
and must be noted at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items.
This is for communication with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice.
All present orders will be delivered at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Sales conditions
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form to be registered.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
- The first order value is EUR 750,00.
- First order will be forwarded against prepayment.
Terms of Payment:
- Payment terms are 30 days net.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- After the due date, interest will be charged.
- Orders above EUR 1500,00 will be sent freight free. Island fee EUR 54,00.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- Orders below EUR 1500,00 will be charged at cost.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00.
- Backorders will be delivered carriage free if backorders is above EUR 400,00.
- For backorders below EUR 400,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet will be charged with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately
and must be noted at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For furniture complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items.
This is for communication with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice.
All present orders will be delivered at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Conditions de vente
Conditions pour les nouveaux clients:
- Tous les nouveaux clients doivent compléter notre formulaire client afin de s’enregistrer.
- Un numéro de TVA valide est nécessaire, ou nous ne serons pas en mesure d’effectuer la livraison.
- La première commande est de minimum EUR 1250,00.
Conditions de paiement:
- Toutes les commandes doivent être payées par avance.
- Les factures sont établies en Euros (EUR).
- Le transport sera gratuit pour les commandes dépassant EUR 1750,00. Charge de l’île EUR 54,00.
- Nous ne livrons pas aux adresses privées.
- Pour les renouvellements de commande de moins de EUR 400,00, nos frais de manutention sont de EUR 50,00.
- Les reliquats seront livrés sans frais de transport, si la commande principale était de plus de EUR 1750,00,
et si le reliquat est de plus de EUR 400,00. - Pour les reliquats de moins de EUR 400,00, nos frais de manutention sont de EUR 15,00.
- Un ajout au reliquat doit être avec des marchandises en stock pour obtenir une livraison sans frais de transport.
- Nous nous réservons le droit de supprimer les petits reliquats.
- Si vous n’êtes pas sur place quand votre livraison arrive, les frais d’une livraison supplémentaire vous seront facturés. C’est pourquoi, assurez-vous de surveiller votre livraison via le numéro de suivi indiqué dans la confirmation de réservation qui vous sera envoyé par e-mail dès que votre livraison a quitté notre entrepôt.
- Nos marchandises sont livrées sur des palettes jetables qui sont facturées avec EUR 8,70.
- Un droit environnemental de 1% du montant de la facture est chargé.
- Toutes les marchandises seront livrées par le transporteur de notre choix.
- Nous faisons tout notre possible pour assurer une livraison rapide.
Conditions générales:
- Si vous découvrez des dommages visibles au transport, le transporteur et Ib Laursen doivent en être informés immédiatement et cela doit être noté sur les documents de transport.
- Chaque livraison s’effectue le plus rapidement possible, sauf si vous nous indiquez une date de livraison ultérieure.
S'il vous plaît contrôlez la livraison à la réception et signalez-nous immédiatement tout dommage ou marchandise manquante. - Les réclamations doivent nous être signalées dans les 10 jours suivant la date de livraison.
Pour chaque réclamation, veuillez préciser votre numéro de client et numéro de facture. - Veuillez noter que nous ne reprenons ni ne remboursons les articles, sauf s’ils sont défectueux.
- Pour les réclamations, nous nous réservons le droit de vous demander des images des marchandises à réclamer.
Ceci est pour la communication avec nos fournisseurs. - Nous nous réservons le droit d’augmenter les prix sans préavis. Toutes les commandes en cours seront livrées au tarif convenu.
- Nous ne recommandons pas la vente aux enchères sur internet des marchandises achetées.
Conservation du titre:
- Jusqu'à l'exécution des droits découlant de la relation contractuelle, la marchandise reste notre propriété exclusive.
- Pendant la durée de la réserve de propriété, la mise en gage ou le transfert à titre de garantie de la marchandise ne sont pas autorisés.
- Dans le cas où les marchandises ne vous sont pas livrées, mais à un tiers, vous vous engagez à informer expressément ce tiers de notre réserve de propriété et de l'inadmissibilité des gages et des transferts de sûreté.
- Pendant la durée de la réserve de propriété, tout changement de l'emplacement de nos marchandises et tout accès de tiers à nos marchandises, en particulier les saisies, doivent nous être communiqués immédiatement par écrit. En cas de saisies, une copie du procès-verbal de saisie doit nous être transmise immédiatement. Vous êtes tenu d'informer le tiers, notamment tout huissier, de notre propriété.
- Si le droit du pays dans lequel la marchandise est livrée ou dans lequel la marchandise se trouve n'autorise pas une réserve de propriété conformément aux dispositions ci-dessus, mais que ce droit permet au vendeur de se réserver ou d'avoir des droits urgents similaires sur l'objet de la livraison pour garantir ses créances, ces droits sont réputés nous être réservés à la conclusion du contrat et nous être accordés par vous. Vous êtes obligé de coopérer avec toutes les mesures que nous voulons prendre pour protéger notre droit de propriété ou à sa place un autre droit sur les marchandises. En cas de livraisons à l'étranger, nous pouvons également exiger que vous nous fournissiez des garanties bancaires pour garantir toutes les créances découlant du contrat.
Dans l’attente d’une collaboration fructueuse.
Sales terms
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- The first order value is EUR 1500,00.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
Terms of Payment:
- All orders are always payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- By delivery the carriage will be charged at cost.
- Orders above EUR 2500,00 will be sent carriage free to mainland addresses. Orders to islands will be charged carriage + island charge EUR 54,00.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00.
- Backorders will be delivered carriage free if the main order is above EUR 2500,00
and the backorder is above EUR 400,00 - islands excluded. - For backorders below EUR 400,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet fee will be charged with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately
and must be noted at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items.
This is for communication with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice.
All present orders will be delivered at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Sales terms
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- The first order value is EUR 1500,00.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
Terms of Payment:
- All orders are always payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- By delivery the carriage will be charged at cost.
- Orders above EUR 2500,00 will be sent carriage free to mainland addresses. Orders to islands will be charged carriage + island charge EUR 54,00.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00.
- Backorders will be delivered carriage free if the main order is above EUR 2500,00
and the backorder is above EUR 400,00 - islands excluded. - For backorders below EUR 400,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet fee will be charged with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately
and must be noted at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items.
This is for communication with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice.
All present orders will be delivered at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Sales terms
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- The first order value is EUR 750,00.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
Terms of Payment:
- All orders are always payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- Orders above EUR 1500,00 will be sent carriage free – Island charge EUR 54,00.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For orders less than EUR 1500,00 we charge 10% of the invoice amount.
- Minimum freight is EUR 50,00.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00.
- Backorders will be delivered carriage free if the main order is above EUR 1500,00
and the backorder is above EUR 400,00. - For backorders below EUR 400,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet will be charged with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately
and must be noted at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items.
This is for communication with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice.
All present orders will be delivered at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Sales terms
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form to be registered.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
- The first order value is EUR 1000,00.
Terms of Payment:
- Our orders are always payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- Orders above EUR 1500,00 will be sent freight free.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00.
- Backorders will be delivered carriage free if backorders is above EUR 400,00.
- For backorders below EUR 400,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet will be charged with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately and must be noted
at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items. This is for communication
with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice. All present orders will be delivered
at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Sales terms
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form to be registered.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
- The first order value is EUR 750,00.
- First order will be forwarded against prepayment.
Terms of payment:
- Terms of payment are 30 days net. However, in case of remarks in the international rating system, you will have to continue to pay in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- After the due date, interest will be charged.
- Orders above EUR 1500,00 will be delivered freight free. Island charge EUR 54,00.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For orders less than EUR 1500,00 we charge 10% of the invoice amount.
- Minimum freight is EUR 50,00.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling fee is EUR 50,00.
- For backorders less than EUR 400,00 the handling fee is EUR 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet will be charge with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder and Ib Laursen immediately
and must be noted on the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items. This is for communication with our supplier.
- We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice.
All present orders will be delivered at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Myynti- ja maksuehdot (Suomi)
Uudet asiakkaat:
- Uuden asiakkaan on täytettävä asiakastietolomake tullakseen rekisteröidyksi.
- Yrityksellä täytyy olla voimassaoleva Y-tunnus ja sen pitää olla arvonlisäverorekisterissä (alv).
- Ensimmäinen tilaus on oltava vähintään 750 EUR.
- Ensimmäinen tilaus toimitetaan ennakkomaksua vastaan.
- Maksuehto 30 vrk netto. Mikäli yrityksen luottoluokitus on heikko, on kuitenkin edelleen maksettava ennakkoon.
- Laskutus tapahtuu euroissa (EUR).
- Erääntymispäivän jälkeen maksetuista laskuista veloitetaan viivästyskorkoa.
- Tilaukset, jotka ovat yli 1500 EUR, toimitetaan rahtimaksutta, mutta rahtivapaa kuljetus ei koske saaritoimituksia.
- Saaritoimituslisä 54,00 EUR.
- Emme toimita kotiosoitteisiin.
- Alle 1500 EUR tilaukseen lisätään rahtikuluina 10% laskun loppusummasta.
- Rahdin vähimmäiskulut ovat 50,00 EUR.
- Jatkotilausten vähimmäismäärä on 500,00 EUR. Alle 500,00 EUR tilauksista veloitetaan 50,00 EUR pientoimitusmaksu.
- Alle 400,00 EUR jälkitoimitusten pientoimitusmaksu on 25,00 EUR.
- Jälkitoimituksen tuotteiden pitää olla varastossa olevia tuotteita.
- Pidätämme oikeuden peruuttaa pienet jälkitoimitukset.
- Kuormalavan hinta on 8,70 EUR.
- Laskuun lisätään 1% ympäristömaksu.
- Jos toimitus joudutaan kuljettamaan uudelleen vastaanottajalle, ja se aiheuttaa ylimääräisiä kustannuksia, veloitamme ylimääräiset kustannukset erikseen. Toivomme, että seuraatte toimitustanne sähköpostilla saamaanne tilausvahvistuksen varausnumeroanne seuraamalla, jotta tiedätte milloin tilauksenne on lähtenyt meiltä.
- Toimitukset tulee tarkistaa niiden saapuessa ja ilmoittaa välittömästi vioittuneista tuotteista kuljetusliikkeelle ja
merkitä rahtikirjaan. - Toimitus tapahtuu Ib Laursenin valitsemalla rahtiyrityksellä.
- Ib Laursen tekee kaikkensa varmistaakseen nopeat toimitukset.
Muut ehdot:
- Reklamaatiot (valitukset) tuotteista on tehtävä 10 päivän kuluessa tuotteiden toimituksesta.
- Emme valitettavasti ota takaisin tai hyvitä tuotteita, jotka eivät ole viallisia.
- Ilmoitus tulee tehdä kirjallisesti ja siinä pitää olla asiakasnumero ja laskun numero.
- Kalusteiden mahdollisista vioista on toimitettava valokuva, jotta voimme osoittaa vian toimittajalle.
- Varaamme oikeuden hintojen tarkistukseen ilman erillistä ilmoitusta.
- Tehdyt tilaukset toimitetaan tilausvahvistuksen mukaisilla hinnoilla.
- Toivomme, ettei tuotteitamme myydä edelleen nettihuutokaupoissa tai vastaavissa.
Omistusoikeuden pidättäminen:
- Pidätämme omistusoikeuden tuotteisiin kunnes sopimussuhteeseen liittyvät velvoitteet ovat täyttyneet.
- Omistusoikeuden pidättämisen aikana tuotteita ei voi antaa vakuudeksi.
- Jos tuotteita ei toimiteta teille, vaan kolmannelle osapuolelle, on velvollisuutenne ilmoittaa kolmannelle osapuolelle omistusoikeuden pidättämisestä ja siten rajoituksesta vakuuden antamiseen.
- Omistusoikeuden pidättämisen aikana tapahtuvista tuotteiden sijainnin muutoksista, kolmannen osapuolen haltuunotoista ja takavarikoista on ilmoitettava meille kirjallisesti välittömästi.
- Takavarikosta on toimitettava pöytäkirja takavarikkopäätöksestä. Olette velvoitettu ilmoittamaan kolmannelle osapuolelle, erityisesti ulosottomiehelle, omistusoikeudestamme.
- Jos tuotteet toimitetaan maahan, jonka lait eivät salli yllämainitun kaltaista omistusoikeuden pidättämistä, mutta sallii myyjän samankaltaiset oikeudet toimitettuihin tuotteisiin vaatimustensa vakuudeksi, on sellaiset oikeudet pidettävä teidän myöntäminä meille varattuina sopimuksen täyttymiseen saakka. Olette velvoitettu toimimaan kanssamme yhteistyössä niiden toimenpiteiden suhteen, jotka haluamme tehdä, jotta omistus- tai muu oikeutemme tuotteisiin on turvattu. Ulkomaille toimitettaessa saatamme pyytää pankkitakausta takaamaan sopimuksen oikeudet.
Odotamme innolla tulevaa yhteistyötä.
Sales terms
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- The first order value is EUR 1500,00.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
Terms of Payment:
- All orders are always payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- By delivery the carriage will be charged at cost. Island charge EUR 54,00.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00.
- Backorders are not sent freight free.
- For backorders below EUR 400,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet will be charged with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- All goods will be delivered by our assigned freight forwarder, unless otherwise agreed.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately
and must be noted at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For furniture complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items. This is for communication
with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice. All present orders will be delivered
at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Sales terms
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- The first order value is EUR 1500,00.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
Terms of Payment:
- All orders are always payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- By delivery the carriage will be charged at cost. Island charge EUR 54,00.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00.
- Backorders are not sent freight free.
- For backorders below EUR 400,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet will be charged with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- All goods will be delivered by our assigned freight forwarder, unless otherwise agreed.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately
and must be noted at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For furniture complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items. This is for communication
with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice. All present orders will be delivered
at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Sales terms
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- The first order value is EUR 1500,00.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
Terms of Payment:
- All orders are always payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- By delivery the carriage will be charged at cost. Island charge EUR 54,00.
- We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00.
- Backorders are not sent freight free.
- For backorders below EUR 400,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet will be charged with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- All goods will be delivered by our assigned freight forwarder, unless otherwise agreed.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately
and must be noted at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For furniture complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items. This is for communication
with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice. All present orders will be delivered
at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Betingelser for nye kunder:
- Kundeskema bedes udfyldt – Den ønskede shipping agent bedes oplyst med leveringsadresse.
- Til Grønland er det oftest Royal Arctic Line.
- Førstegangskøb skal være på min. DKK 5.000,00.
- Ordrer sendes mod forudbetaling.
- Forudbetaling.
- Fakturering sker i DKK.
- Vi sender EXW Ribe eller FOB havn efter kundens ønske.
- Ordrer under DKK 3.000,00 sendes ikke.
- Vi bestræber os på, at levere varerne hurtigst muligt efter, at de er på lager.
- Et miljøtillæg på 1% beregnes af fakturabeløbet
Generelle betingelser:
- VIGTIGT! Evt. transportskader meddeles fragtføreren og noteres på fragtbrevet v/modtagelse af varerne.
- Reklamationsfristen er 10 dage fra leveringsdatoen og skal overholdes.
- Venligst vær opmærksom på, at vi tager ikke varer retur, med mindre der er fejl på produktet
- Ved reklamationer bedes kunde nr. og fakturanr. venligst oplyst.
- Vi forbeholder os retten til, uden varsel, at ændre vores priser – optagne ordrer vil altid blive leveret til de angivne priser.
- Vi henstiller til, at de købte varer ikke sælges på internetauktioner, markeder og lign.
- Indtil opfyldelsen af de krav, der følger af kontraktforholdet, forbliver varerne vores ejendom.
- Under ejendomsforbeholdets varighed er det ikke tilladt at pantsætte eller stille varerne som sikkerhed.
- I tilfælde af at varerne ikke leveres til dig, men til en tredjepart, forpligter du dig til udtrykkeligt at informere denne tredjepart om vores ejendomsforbehold og om, at pantsætning og sikkerhedsstillelse ikke er tilladt.
- Under ejendomsforbeholdets varighed skal enhver ændring af vores varers placering og enhver adgang for tredjemand til vores varer, især beslaglæggelse, straks meddeles os skriftligt. I tilfælde af beslaglæggelse skal der straks sendes en kopi af beslaglæggelsesprotokollen til os. Du er forpligtet til at informere tredjemand, navnlig en eventuel foged, om vores ejendomsret.
- Hvis loven i det land, hvor varerne leveres, eller hvor varerne befinder sig, ikke tillader et ejendomsforbehold i overensstemmelse med ovenstående bestemmelser, men denne ret giver sælgeren mulighed for at forbeholde sig eller have lignende fordringer på leveringsgenstanden for at sikre sine krav, anses sådanne rettigheder for at være forbeholdt os ved kontraktens indgåelse og er givet til os af dig. Du er forpligtet til at samarbejde om alle foranstaltninger, som vi ønsker at træffe for at beskytte vores ejendomsret eller i stedet for en anden rettighed til varerne. Ved leverancer til udlandet kan vi også kræve, at du stiller bankgarantier for at sikre alle krav i forbindelse med kontrakten.
Vi ser frem til et godt samarbejde
Betingelser for nye kunder:
- Kundeskema bedes udfyldt – Den ønskede shipping agent bedes oplyst med leveringsadresse.
- Til Grønland er det oftest Royal Arctic Line.
- Førstegangskøb skal være på min. DKK 5.000,00.
- Ordrer sendes mod forudbetaling.
- Forudbetaling.
- Fakturering sker i DKK.
- Vi sender EXW Ribe eller FOB havn efter kundens ønske.
- Ordrer under DKK 3.000,00 sendes ikke.
- Vi bestræber os på, at levere varerne hurtigst muligt efter, at de er på lager.
- Et miljøtillæg på 1% beregnes af fakturabeløbet
Generelle betingelser:
- VIGTIGT! Evt. transportskader meddeles fragtføreren og noteres på fragtbrevet v/modtagelse af varerne.
- Reklamationsfristen er 10 dage fra leveringsdatoen og skal overholdes.
- Venligst vær opmærksom på, at vi tager ikke varer retur, med mindre der er fejl på produktet
- Ved reklamationer bedes kunde nr. og fakturanr. venligst oplyst.
- Vi forbeholder os retten til, uden varsel, at ændre vores priser – optagne ordrer vil altid blive leveret til de angivne priser.
- Vi henstiller til, at de købte varer ikke sælges på internetauktioner, markeder og lign.
- Indtil opfyldelsen af de krav, der følger af kontraktforholdet, forbliver varerne vores ejendom.
- Under ejendomsforbeholdets varighed er det ikke tilladt at pantsætte eller stille varerne som sikkerhed.
- I tilfælde af at varerne ikke leveres til dig, men til en tredjepart, forpligter du dig til udtrykkeligt at informere denne tredjepart om vores ejendomsforbehold og om, at pantsætning og sikkerhedsstillelse ikke er tilladt.
- Under ejendomsforbeholdets varighed skal enhver ændring af vores varers placering og enhver adgang for tredjemand til vores varer, især beslaglæggelse, straks meddeles os skriftligt. I tilfælde af beslaglæggelse skal der straks sendes en kopi af beslaglæggelsesprotokollen til os. Du er forpligtet til at informere tredjemand, navnlig en eventuel foged, om vores ejendomsret.
- Hvis loven i det land, hvor varerne leveres, eller hvor varerne befinder sig, ikke tillader et ejendomsforbehold i overensstemmelse med ovenstående bestemmelser, men denne ret giver sælgeren mulighed for at forbeholde sig eller have lignende fordringer på leveringsgenstanden for at sikre sine krav, anses sådanne rettigheder for at være forbeholdt os ved kontraktens indgåelse og er givet til os af dig. Du er forpligtet til at samarbejde om alle foranstaltninger, som vi ønsker at træffe for at beskytte vores ejendomsret eller i stedet for en anden rettighed til varerne. Ved leverancer til udlandet kan vi også kræve, at du stiller bankgarantier for at sikre alle krav i forbindelse med kontrakten.
Vi ser frem til et godt samarbejde
Sales conditions
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- The first order value is EUR 1500,00.
Terms of payment:
- All orders are always payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR.
- We send FOB to a harbour of the customers choice
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00.
- For backorders below EUR 400,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- Backorders are not sent freight free. We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- Pallet fee will be charged with EUR 8,70.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items. This is for communication with our supplier.
- We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice. All present orders will be delivered at the informed prices.
- We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
Sales conditions
Conditions for new customers:
- All new customers must fill in our customer form for registration.
- The first order value is EUR 1500,00.
- For Northern Ireland GBP 1200,00.
- A valid VAT no. is required.
Terms of payment:
- All deliveries are payment in advance.
- Invoices will be issued in EUR and in the Northern Ireland GBP.
- By delivery the carriage will be charged at cost.
- Orders above EUR 1750,00/GBP 1550,00
will be sent carriage free. Island charge EUR 54,00/ GBP 48,00 - We do not deliver to residential addresses.
- For repeat orders less than EUR 500,00/GBP 400,00 our handling charge is EUR 50,00/GBP 30,00.
- Backorders below EUR 500,00/GBP 500,00 we charge a fee of EUR 15,00/GBP 15,00.
- Addition to the backorder must be with items in stock.
- Pallet will be charged with EUR 8,70 /GBP 8,10.
- An environmental fee of 1% of the invoice amount will be charged.
- Backorders will not be delivered carriage free. We reserve the right to delete small backorders.
- If you fail to receive the goods, you will be charged with the costs of an additional outbound delivery. Therefore, please keep an eye on your delivery via the tracking number in the booking confirmation, you will receive by e-mail, as soon as your delivery has left our warehouse.
- All goods will be delivered with our assigned freight forwarder.
- If goods are damaged upon arrival, it must be informed to the freight forwarder immediately
and must be noted at the shipping documents. The delivery is at the risk and cost of the customer. - We do our utmost to assure a quick delivery.
General conditions:
- Claims for damage or shortage must be notified to us within 10 days from date of delivery.
- Please note that we do not take back or refund items, unless they are defective.
- By complaints, please inform your customer number and invoice number.
- For complaints we reserve the right to ask for photos of the defect items.
This is for communication with our supplier. - We reserve the right to increase the prices without further notice.
All present orders will be delivered at the informed prices. - We recommend that the purchased goods are not sold on internet auctions.
Retention of title:
- Until fulfilment of the claims arising from the contractual relationship, the goods remain our sole property.
- For the duration of the retention of title, pledging or transfer as security of the goods is not permitted.
- In the event that the goods are not delivered to you, but to a third party, you undertake to expressly inform that third party of our retention of title and of the inadmissibility of pledges and transfers of security.
- During the term of the retention of title, any change in the location of our goods and any access by third parties to our goods, in particular seizures, must be communicated to us immediately in writing. In the event of seizures, a copy of the seizure protocol must be sent to us immediately. You are obliged to inform the third party, in particular any bailiff, of our ownership.
- If the law of the country in which the goods are delivered or in which the goods are located does not allow a retention of title in accordance with the above provisions, but this right allows the seller to reserve or have similar urgent rights to the delivery item to secure his claims, such rights shall be deemed reserved for us upon conclusion of the contract and granted to us by you. You are obliged to cooperate with all measures that we want to take to protect our property right or in its place of another right in the goods. In the case of deliveries abroad, we may also demand that you provide us with bank guarantees to secure all claims arising from the contract.
We look forward to a good cooperation.
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